4th of July

So once again it has been two months without posting and Keegan is growing fast. For 4th of July he was 7 month, crawling as fast as possible and starting to pull up on things. Here is a picture of him in his 4th of July outfit waving his flag that he took from Sears. 

Instead of braving the 4th of July traffic this year, we decided to bike. We recently got Keegan a bike trailer and he loves it, but he does hate his helmet, but what kid doesn't. We parked about a half a mile away and then packed up the trailer with Keegan, toys, a picnic dinner, and blankets. We biked around for a while and Keegan ended up falling asleep. We got a perfect spot to watch the fireworks, right next to the temple and directly across the river is where they light them off. Here is a picture of Keegan in the bike trailer, trying to figure out how to take off his helmet.

Keegan was really excited to eat a lunchable, until he saw mommy and daddy had candy. He started to get antsy right before they started fireworks. But the moment they started he was mesmerized. The picture below is him staring at the fireworks. He sat there completely still for a few minutes, but then he decided that he needed to crawl towards them. But we put him on our lap and got him a glow necklace and he sat still for the whole half hour, amazing huh?

I cant wait till next year when he is talking and walking. He is getting to be sooo much fun.


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