Updates on Keegan

So much has happened to Keegan in these 6 months. We brought home a beautiful healthy boy just a few days after he was born. We ended up having an emergency c section and so my recover took a lot longer then expected. Correy was such a wonderful dad from day one. Early on he took on doing all the night shifts since I couldn't get out of bed by myself so he had to get up even if it was my turn. By 2 weeks Keegan would sleep 4 hours at a time. So we fed him at midnight, went to bed, fed him at 4 and then Correy would get up and feed him at 8 before going to work and that didn't last long, cuz at 2 months Keegan started sleeping through the night.
When Keegan was 2 months old we moved to Shelley, we found a great 2 bedroom apartment that was a great price. And we love it here. I started to go back to the triplets when Keegan was about 6 weeks old, and I felt healed enough to be up on my feet more.
Keegan has grown so much and so fast, we just had his 6 month appointment and he was 27 1/2 inches long, 19 pounds and a healthy baby, besides this cough he had had for 3 months but through breathing treatments, steroids, and antibiotics we have a healthy baby again.
Less then 2 weeks ago Keegan began to army crawl, he was rolling and scooting a little but not tons. So when I was over watching the triplets, Keegan saw Edison across the room and he wanted to play with him so all the sudden he just took off, and has been going since. Then a week after that he got on all 4s and moved 3 paces forward, once again for Edison, but still not really crawling on all 4s, I think he realized he was faster to army crawl.
He is also eating solids like a champ. He is starting to eat cherrios and other, little finger foods, but always seems to want what is on my plate, but he still has no chompers so he will have to wait.
In less then 3 weeks we are going to be going to California to see my family, the last time they saw him he was only 2 months old and still a newborn, now he is so big!!! We are hoping to take him to Disneyland while we are down there. He is also going to go to the beach for the first time. I cant wait till I see his reaction to sand!!!!
Here is a picture of Buddy and Keegan playing on the floor, and yes Buddy is always a little blurry.
Hopefully I can keep up with my posts more now that things have calmed down, at least as much as they can with a baby around.


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