We have Running Water!!!!!
So we finally got the sink put in and hooked up so that I can now do dishes, you dont know how excited I was. We also got the upper cabinets put up but we still need to put the doors on, but that isn't a big deal, which means my kitchen is done, and my goal was to have it all done by the time I was 10 weeks and we finished right on time. Doesnt it look sooo great?

Then on my birthday, I told Correy that I really just wanted to get the living room painted and ready for carpeting, so Correy started moving furniture and I cleaned up the place. As soon as it was ready we headed into town to get primer, and the nursery's paint, since I had a 5 dollar off coupon that was about to expire. And when we were checking out the guy at the cash register, ended up giving us 15 dollars off which was super sweet. When we got home, we decided to primer since it would have all night to dry and both Correy and I had Memorial Day off to finish up painting.

Correy and I ended up sleeping in till 1:30, which Correy has never done, and then even with half the day gone, we were very productive. Initally when we opened up the paint we had bought a few months ago, it was bright blue, and it was suppose to be brown. But after a bit of mixing we got it back to the right color.

After a few hours of painting it looked amazing, at first when we were painting we thought that it would be too dark but in the end it looked amazing. And after we finished Correy took the fireplace out and now all that is needed is the carpet, which Correy promised me he would do today. And my goal was to get the living room done by 15 weeks and I am only 12, then we get to start on the nursery!!!!! Which I just cant wait for.

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