Oregon Trip
So this last weekend Correy and I had a mini vacation to Oregon for my cousins wedding. I thought, 15 weeks pregnant, no biggy. Boy was I wrong. A few days before our trip, the bathroom became my home, I had to pee all the time, and we were about to take a 13 or 14 hour trip. YIKES!!!!! But then we plugged it into our gps and it only showed up as a 12 hour trip, and I just thought cool, 2 hours less in the car. Well we started our journey and by the time we got to boise we had already stopped 3 times, and we stopped in Boise for an hour since we had to go to the bank, get gas, eat, and pick up a few things at old navy. Then we were back on the road, the next major city was ontario, which was only 45 minutes out of Boise so we didnt stop cuz I didnt have to pee and we just got gas. MISTAKE NUMBER ONE. So we continue to follow the gps, and before long, we aare no longer on a highway and on a county road with no one else around. And then I have to pee, we end up going 160 miles before we saw an outhouse that was gross but better then nothing. And as we continued our journey, we realized our gas was getting low. we usually try and fill up when we have gone 200 to 300 miles. But as we keep going there is no gas stations anywhere, then I realize we have no cell reception, so if we do run out of gas we are stuck. Our fuel light goes on and I am searching the map to find a town and when we finally get to one, we literally roll into the gas station with over 400 miles on it, luckly we got really good gas milage or we would have ran out. By that point we were less then 2 hours from Medford and hitting more small towns and getting cell service and I finally could relax. We pulled into Medford, got some food and went to hang out with my cousin. And I knew no matter what great time we made we were not doing that route again.
The next morning was Heidie's wedding. She was soo beautiful and I was glad that I was able to be apart of it. Here is a picture of Correy and I will Heidie, isnt she sooooo pretty and dont you love her flowers. See my baby bump?

And I really like this picture even though Heidie's head is cut off, I just like seeing my cute baby bump.

This is Correy, me and baby, outside the Medford temple, which is technically the first temple our baby has been in.

After the wedding, Correy and I went over to help set up for the reception, well Correy helped, I sat around and slept a little since I couldn't do very much. After we finished work for the day we went back to our hotel and went swimming and then went to bed, so we could wake up early and finish with all the setting up. Unfortunatly I have no pics of the reception or how the decorations looked in the end, so I will have to wait for someone else to post them. But it was sooooo very amazing, although I still have to say I liked my decorations better, but that is the way it is suppose to be. After the reception Correy and I went back to the hotel and soaked in the pool for a while cuz my feet and back hurt so bad. Then went to bed so that we would get up early for our long day of travel. My favorite part of Oregon is the pretty forests, so I made Correy stop so that we could take a few pics.

We ended up getting home at midnight and poor Correy ended up getting a service call at 6:30 in the morning. But I can say we will not make a trip that long when I am pregnant, unless we fly.
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