So on Friday we went in for my 16 week appointment at the doctors office and his heart rate was at 150, and we could hear him moving around, he is such an active baby. And we had made an appointment with a ultrasound clinic in Salt Lake to figure out the gender on Saturday. On saturday we got up early and drove down to Salt Lake, we stopped at Tremont around 11 to get some lunch before the appointment. And after we left and were about a half hour away, I realized I couldn't find my phone and we called it and I couldnt hear it in the car. Then some guy answered it, luckily it was the Wendy's manager and he said he would keep it in the safe till we came back for it, we couldn't turn around now to get it or we would be late for our appointment. So we continued on knowing that it was safe. We got to our appointment a little early so we got to be seen early. The ultrasound tech was an obgyn form Europe so that was really cool. First he showed us the baby's profile and kept going on about how cute the baby's nose was and said that he thought it was a girl with that cute face. Correy and I both said it was a boy.
See his cute little button nose?
Then he told us nope it was a boy, and seeing this picture didn't convince me at all.
We got to watch him wiggle all around, and it was really cool cuz we got it all on video
He then showed us this shot and then I knew it wasnt a mistake it was definantly a boy
Here he is sucking on his thumb, but you can see his hand more then his face, already has a bad habit and only 16 weeks old
See the little black spot in his belly? That's his bladder, and see his lips all puckered up
his face no longer looks like and alien
This one was right after he took his thumb out of his mouth
Here is another thumb sucking one and you can see his big brain
I love that you can always see his hands
This one is my absolute favorite, you can see his brain really clear and his whole body.
Just double checking
He was curling up here and getting ready for a nap
He has such a big belly! we know that he is eating well
After finding out we immediatly went over to the vans store to buy him his first set of vans. Of course we then bought him some mighty cute onsies and little snow boots. He already has way more then me. What a spoiled little baby. We will keep you posted on the names, we have a few to decide between.
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