Weekend in Provo
So this last weekend was the first weekend that Correy and I have spent our married life away from each other. He went hunting with some friends and since I didnt want to be home alone I thought that it was the perfect day to go down to Provo to see my best friend every. This was also my first time driving a distance by myself. The drive went smoothly and I was cutting time and thought that I would be there in no time. And as soon as I got 10 miles out of town I hit the construction and so the last ten miles of my trip took me 40 minutes to drive. But finally I got there. And I got IN N OUT, yum something I have been craving and so excited to get. Then later that night I went to Provo Canyon with Heather and some friend, and then some random people where we started a bonfire and made smores. Then around 12:30 a popo showed up and told us that the park closed 3 hours ago, when really it closed at 11. So we had to put out the fire when we had no water . . . lets just say that we found a ...